ID-ENTITIES: Imprints of Personal DataThe exhibition seeks to critically examine the general and widespread digitisation of human interactions and the impact of personal data processing systems in human lives. Writer, columnist and lawyer Francesco Carraro, draws attention to the risks of a complete digitisation of personal information, addressing the right to remain “analog”, i.e. not to be fully and irrevocably digitized in regards to identity and profiling. A compulsory digitisation of human relationships is synonymous with ultimate control over all aspects of life. It also heralds a future of humanity regulated and guided in directions over which people have no authority or impact. Likewise, it means that society is being subjected to increasingly intrusive systems of control over the privacy of citizens, to the extent that they also even run the risk of being erased or “deactivated” by the same System at a single click of the mouse. Where are personal data collected, how are they distributed, who are they shared with and how do they eventually determine our identities, our choices and decisions? Is it possible that art can outsmart the system? Could it constitute a source of resistance against the predetermined objectives and decisions of automated systems and softwares?
Beneath our Feet |
In the Shadow All is Taken |
A Flood of Information |